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The maintenance of health and fitness helps a person to be in the general state of health. So that  It is very necessary for all to maintain their health and fitness in order to be fit, healthy, fearless of diseases. However, the maintenance of health and fitness requires regular physical exercise with balanced diet and so on.

A person with good health and fitness becomes able to live their life to its fullest extent. Here the Fitness does not mean to be physically fit only, it also means with healthy mental state of the person. If the person becomes physically and mentally fit, then we can say that he or she is the healthiest person. Regular exercise and balanced diet is the simple way to remain healthy and fit is having stress free mind. People who maintain their ideal weight become less effective to the cardiac and other health problems. People who are physically active can easily maintain a relaxed state of mind, then also healthy and fit people can easily face all the ups and downs of their life and less affected by any drastic change.

Now-a-days, people have been so busy in their life and do not have time to keep themselves healthy or stay fit. We must eat healthy, practice cleanliness and involve in daily physical exercises in order to remain healthy and fit.  There is no alternate to the hard work, in the same way there is no alternate to the health and fitness. Manily health and fitness is the combination of healthy living with healthy lifestyle. Health is very necessary with the physical health of a person in order to be healthy and fit.

Health and fitness is very important for people who want to live a healthy life. A healthy and fit person is only capable to live life to its fullest extent and we can say a person healthy and fit if he/she is physically and mentally fit. Physically and mentally fit people become less effective to the medical conditions. Health and fitness of any person helps in decreasing the risk of diseases such as high blood pressure, diabetes, coronary heart diseases, colon cancer, osteoporosis, obesity, stroke, breast cancer, etc and also to make them feel better both, physically and mentally. Also Improves their confidence level, Heals injuries soon etc.
Here can also reduces anxiety level, stress, and feelings of depression. We need to eat healthy food and do physical exercises on daily basis in order to remain physically healthy however we need to think positive to remain mentally healthy also. For more


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