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Health and Safety

Workplace Health and safety is about providing a safe and healthy workplace to the employees. According to International Labour Organisation definition, the main aim of the Occupational health is the promotion and maintenance of the highest degree of physical, mental and social well-being of workers in all occupations. Health and safety is to  ensure that risks to employee's safety and health. It is made clear that in the fields of health and safety, there are three E's, such as Engineering. Enforcement and Education. Engineering entails about the awareness of safety issues when designing equipment and then Education includes train employees in safety procedures and how to safely do their job. Also Enforcement is the rules and policies should be firmly imposed.

Around the world, there are 270 million occupational accidents, 160 million workers suffers from occupational diseases and 2.2 million occupational deaths in the world. The cost to society is several billion pounds now. Britain has the lowest fatal injury rate in the European. It further stated that 37% of male and 29% of the female workers consider that their work represent a risk to their health. Uncomfortable postures and physical effort are the most common occupational risk for both women and men. For the men the greater amount of hazards is found in agriculture, construction, transport and communications whereas for women those are mainly found in agriculture, mineral processing and manufacturing industries.  
The Health and Safety Executive places great emphasis on the requirement systems. Here they cover inspection, monitoring and auditing as essential features of the action required by organisation to satisfy their regulatory duties. Those systems are designed to prevent any failures that lead to accidents, incidents and prosecutions.

Spain has the largest rates of accident in the European countries according to their survey and here National survey of working conditions conducted in 2001 in Spain stated that 59% of the workers were exposed to hazards at work, 33% were exposed to noise while 32% were exposed to chemical pollutants and about 50% of the workers maintained static postures or perform repetitive movements during a quarter of their working time. Health and safety should be important for the every employees in an organization for the better development. For more


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