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Small steps for better heart health

There include lots of steps to get better health in which include daily take minimum of ten minute walk. Lifting a hardcover book or a two-pound weight a few times a day can help tone our arm muscles. When that becomes a breeze, then we can move on to heavier items or join a gym. Eat one extra fruit or vegetable a day in which they are good for everything from your brain to your bowels. Then the main step is to start the day with some fruit and a serving of whole grains, like oatmeal, bran flakes, or of nuts. Eat fish or other types of seafood instead of red meat because it's good for the heart, the brain, and the waistline. Then try breathing slowly and deeply for a few minutes a day which can help us to relax. Slow, deep breathing may also help lower blood pressure. Wash our hands for each and every purpose.  
Taking a moment each day to acknowledge the blessings in our life is one way to start tapping into other positive emotions. These is also linked with better health, longer life, and greater well-being, just as their opposites — chronic anger, worry, and hostility — contribute to high blood pressure and heart disease. Health is wealth. So make time on keeping the body heathier such that the mind too. For more


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