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Hospital Management System

The IT system have great impact in the field of medicine. A hospital management system is a web based system that manages the functioning of the hospital or medical set up1. It integrates all the information regarding patients, doctors, staff, hospital administrative details  and  so on. Doctors section include includes doctors’ emergency numbers and also they can check his schedule and that of other doctors too. Here it includes list of the available medicines for specific diseases so that the doctor can easily look for an alternative. The patient can be given an appointment referring to the doctors’ schedule. The use of HMS makes the co-ordination between a doctor and patient easy.
The great benefit is that using HMS one can quickly check the availability of rooms/beds so that the receptionist can adjust transfer of patients from one ward to another or allot the bed to the new patient. This section also includes the detailed schedule of the operation theatres and helps the receptionist or the nurses to know which theatres are vacant to slot other surgeries.  HMS includes names and timings of the nurses and ward boys on duty with their respective ward numbers. Then the instructions given to the nurse for each patient are entered in the system.

Main inventory can be maintained about the stock of supplies in the hospital like surgical instruments, medications, laboratory supplies, stationary, staff supplies, etc. It helps the administration to have a quick look at the usage and keep a control on the wastage of the supplies. A separate automated section is meant for billing purposes. And these software helps to sum up all the expenses of a patient at one time and produce a complete bill at the end of the consultation or at discharge. Here it saves time and effort for each department as they need not produce separate

The respective insurance company can check the details and further the process. The data is then stored in the database and hence can be recovered for any later use by the hospital or patient or insurance company. HMS can store the basic information of the employees including contact numbers and address along with professional details. Every new employee is registered in the system and medical details of the employees also can be entered for their benefit.

All the data in a HMS is integrated and can be analysed which  helps in creating a statistical database for the internal use of the hospital which can be submitted to the administration. It also helps the administration in summarizing the expenses of the hospital and evaluating the necessary and unnecessary expenditure. HMS can be used for providing online services to patients, appointments and obtaining opinions of consultants sitting away from the hospital set up. For more


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