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Mental health

Health promotion is one of the process of enabling people to gain increasing control over their health and also to improve it. Psychosocial factors influence a number of health behaviours which includes proper diet, adequate exercise, and avoiding cigarettes, drugs, excessive alcohol and risky sexual practices that have a wide-ranging impact in the domain of health. On a sustained basis, Preventive interventions reduce depression and feelings of hopelessness, aggressive and delinquent behaviour, as well as alcohol, tobacco and drug use.

 As a whole, Mental health problems affect society not just a small, isolated segment. They are therefore one of the major challenge to global development. No group is immune to mental disorders, but the risk is higher among the poor, homeless, the unemployed, persons with low education, victims of violence and so on. Initially, health only meant the body’s ability to function well and It was only disrupted because of physical ailment or disease. World Health Organization (WHO) associated the term health with a person’s overall physical, mental as well as social well being and not just the absence of ailment in the year of 1948.

Definition of health was extremely broad and thus seemed rather vague. It was discarded as being impractical for a long time. 1980’s brought a new concept of health and in here stated health as a resource for living and not just a state. Children and adolescents, abused. It is essential to take utmost care of your health. It is only when we are healthy we would be able to take good care of other aspects of our life. There is no National health insurance system for the citizens of India. This is the reason why the private sector is the main healthcare provider in the country. While there are government hospitals at many places in the country where the diagnoses is done for free and people are also given access to free medicines, many people hesitate visiting these facilities due to lack of hygiene. Also, since these offer free services there is a lot of waiting here.

The government must work upon maintaining these facilities and should also set up more of these so that the needs of every citizen can be catered to. The common man in India requires bearing huge healthcare expenses. Most of the savings made by them are spent in taking care of their family’s health. Those who buy healthcare insurance also need to spend amount from their pocket when it comes to undergoing various treatments as there are loopholes in these policies. For more


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