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Showing posts from June, 2018

Small steps for better heart health

There include lots of steps to get better health in which include daily take minimum of ten minute walk. Lifting a hardcover book or a two-pound weight a few times a day can help tone our arm muscles. When that becomes a breeze, then we can move on to heavier items or join a gym. Eat one extra fruit or vegetable a day in which they are good for everything from your brain to your bowels. Then the main step is to start the day with some fruit and a serving of whole grains, like oatmeal, bran flakes, or of nuts . Eat fish or other types of seafood instead of red meat because it's good for the heart, the brain, and the waistline. Then try breathing slowly and deeply for a few minutes a day which can help us to relax. Slow, deep breathing may also help lower blood pressure. Wash our hands for each and every purpose.   Taking a moment each day to acknowledge the blessings in our life is one way to start tapping into other positive emotions. These is also linked with better he...

What is health insurance?

He alth insurance is one of the type of insurance coverage that covers the cost of an insured individual's medical, surgical expenses and so on. Affordable Care Act requires certain health benefits be covered in all health plans. It also tells that every health insurance company is unique in what coverage they provide and how much those covered benefits cost.   Taking health insurance is one of those things an individual cannot ignore. Inflation in medicare or medical treatment is a lot higher when compared to general inflation ,or inflation in other categories like food and clothing. While inflation in most categories is in single digits, inflation in medicare is often higher than others. The different types of health plans include Health Maintenance Organization ( HMO ), Point-of-Service ( POS ), Preferred  Provider  Organization ( PPO ), Fee For Service ( FFS ) etc. Here some plans cover vision and dental. Two main types of health insurance include Privat...

Mental health

Health promotion is one of the process of enabling people to gain increasing control over their health and also to improve it. Psychosocial factors influence a number of health behaviours which includes proper diet, adequate exercise, and avoiding cigarettes, drugs, excessive alcohol and risky sexual practices that have a wide-ranging impact in the domain of health. On a sustained basis, Preventive interventions reduce depression and feelings of hopelessness, aggressive and delinquent behaviour, as well as alcohol, tobacco and drug use.   As a whole, Mental health problems affect society not just a small, isolated segment. They are therefore one of the major challenge to global development. No group is immune to mental disorders, but the risk is higher among the poor, homeless, the unemployed, persons with low education, victims of violence and so on. Initially, health only meant the body’s ability to function well and It was only disrupted because of physical ailme...

Health in daily life

Many of us have lots of health problems in our daily life. The demand for health care is unlike the demand for most consumer products and services. Its because while the desire for consumer products and services comes from direct consumption. If we think of an individual as a producer of health, the key production inputs are the time. Money spent on health-improving activities and health care.   Health-improving activities can include individual choices regarding exercise, nutrition, and lifestyle and health care can include hospital care, outpatient visits to medical providers , nursing home care, and medication. A person with good health and fitness becomes able to live their life to its fullest extent. Here the Fitness does not mean to be physically fit only, it also means with healthy mental state of the person. If the person becomes physically and mentally fit, then we can say that he or she is the healthiest person. Regular exercise and balanced diet is the s...

E health

The term was apparently 1st employed by business leaders and promoting folks instead of teachers. They created and used this term in line with different "e-words" reminiscent of e-commerce , e-business, e-solutions, and so on, in a shot to convey the guarantees, principles, excitement (and hype) around e-commerce (electronic commerce) to the health arena, Associate in Nursingd to allow an account of the new potentialities the net is gap up to the world of health care. Intel, parenthetically, cited e-health as "a cooperative effort undertaken by leaders in health care and advanced industries to totally harness the advantages on the market through convergence of the net and health care." e-health is Associate in Nursing rising field within the intersection of medical IP, public health and business, relating health services and data delivered or increased through the net and connected technologies. Everybody talks regarding e-health of late, however few folk...

What is e-pharmacy?

Today, there include three categories of online pharmacy. Here which include organized e pharmacy, non organized e-pharmacy, Illegal international trade through e-pharmacy etc. In organised e-pharmacy , medicines are dispensed by registered pharmacists in a temper proof pack and here with the most advanced technology aligned with their processes, they could keep track of each and every order. They can prevent self-medication and drug abuse. In non-organized pharmacy, medicines are ordered without any valid prescription. Drugs are shipped across the international borders without any prescription and approval from the concerned authorities in the Illegal international trade through e-pharmacy. The e-pharmacy concept has been specifically notified in many of the largest economies also. E pharmacy is beneficial to customers in many such ways such as Consumer convenience, Consumer access, Consumer education, Data records, Medicine authenticity, Transaction records, Data ana...


Medicines online is the latest trend amongst the Indian patients and consumers. Due to the advancement of technology, access of drugs through Internet become very common. With this increasing trend of buying medicines online, there is also increase in number o online pharmacies. There are several other factors also which fuel the gearing up of epharmacies and here there include the increased number of netizens, long term illness patients and increased chronic diseases. The advent of technology leads the offline shopping switches to online mode. Chronic diseases and long term illness patients are increasing in India day-by-day. Thus one can say this is the high time for the e-pharmacy model to grow with increasing, smart phone users and patients. Certain forces for popularity of e-pharmacies are time saving, money saving, 24/7 access, transparency, convenience, etc. Other factors also include cost, quality, availability, services, legality, low e-tailing penetration and hig...

Medical E-commerce in Kerala

E-comme rce comprises business processes, technology, and collaboration among stakeholders and here in the healthcare field, e-commerce has the potential for laying the foundation for efficient and effective transactions between employers, payers, providers, patients etc at very low cost. There include two types of e-commerce infrastructures Web-based and EDI (electronic data interchange). Here the E-commerce uses the Web as an infrastructure, which offers the advantage of providing a universal software client and a ubiquitous infrastructure. Nowadays, E-commerce appears ready to assist the healthcare industry. E-commerce refers to the use of electronic information technologies to conduct business transactions among buyers, sellers, trading partners etc. There are two types of e-commerce infrastructures which include web-based and EDI electronic data interchange. Here the web-based e-commerce generally involves the use of a browser that interacts with a Web server that does ...

Health and Safety

Workplace Health and safety is about providing a safe and healthy workplace to the employees. According to International Labour Organisation definition, the main aim of the Occupational health  is the promotion and maintenance of the highest degree of physical, mental and social well-being of workers in all occupations. Health and safety is to   ensure that risks to employee's safety and health. It is made clear that in the fields of health and safety, there are three E's, such as Engineering. Enforcement and Education. Engineering entails about the awareness of safety issues when designing equipment and then Education includes train employees in safety procedures and how to safely do their job. Also Enforcement is the rules and policies should be firmly imposed. Around the world, there are 270 million occupational accidents, 160 million workers suffers from occupational diseases and 2.2 million occupational deaths in the world. The cost to society is several bi...

E-Commerce in Healthcare

Nowadays, E-commerce appears ready to assist the healthcare industry. E-commerce refers to the use of electronic information technologies to conduct business transactions among buyers, sellers, trading partners etc. There are two types of e-commerce infrastructures which include web-based and EDI electronic data interchange. Here the web-based e-commerce generally involves the use of a browser that interacts with a Web server that does the transaction processing, commonly used for B2C-type transactions. EDI transactions have typically been used for B2B transactions. They are expected to decline, making strides toward Web-based transactions. EDI combines business and electronic infrastructures, which allows traditional business transactions to be conducted electronically, ignoring the physical or geographic boundaries separating them. E-commerce uses the Web as an infrastructure. Here they provide a universal software client which is the Web browser and a ubiquitous infras...

Importance of Health

Without health we cannot do anything in this amazing world. Health is important because a man of health can enjoy great happiness during his life time or consider ean example a man suffering from fever remains confined to bed. Here he cannot get out of doors and   cannot do anything for anybody.   Health is consider as a state of complete physical, social and mental well being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. Health is thus a level of functional efficiency of living beings and a general condition of a persons mind, body and spirit. It also means free from illness, injury and pain.   Good health is a matter of great concern, to maintain it, healthy living and a disciplined life is one of the important thing. Drink plenty of water as it reduces the risk of infection, keeps your skin healthy, reduces the risk of heart attack, burns body fat and regulates our body temperature , is one of the main thing. Sleeping is the other way of redu...


The maintenance of health and fitness helps a person to be in the general state of health. So that   It is very necessary for all to maintain their health and fitness in order to be fit, healthy, fearless of diseases. However, the maintenance of health and fitness requires regular physical exercise with balanced diet and so on. A person with good health and fitness becomes able to live their life to its fullest extent. Here the Fitness does not mean to be physically fit only, it also means with healthy mental state of the person. If the person becomes physically and mentally fit, then we can say that he or she is the healthiest person. Regular exercise and balanced diet is the simple way to remain healthy and fit is having stress free mind. People who maintain their ideal weight become less effective to the cardiac and other health problems. People who are physically active can easily maintain a relaxed state of mind, then also healthy and fit people can easily fac...

Healthcare Startups

Today, Healthcare has become India’s one of the largest sector . Consider some of the startup in India. AddressHealth provide one-stop-shop pediatric primary healthcare services, which was founded with a vision to ensure that every child attains a state of positive health. BloodSure is a platform where patients and their families can connect to right blood donor. Here, these   startup is on a mission of eradicating blood shortage in India and helping people in emergency. Blood Sure has been able to reach over 15,000 patients so far and They have organised over 35 camps and collected 4,000 pints of blood with over 75,000 frequent voluntary blood donors. Cooey   provides insights and personalized health tips to patients based on their medical profile and also It is considered as   IoT platform provider that allows the users to collect, store, analyze and share their medical summary with a doctor. It also helps connect users with various healthcare servic...

Hospital Management System

The IT system have great impact in the field of medicine. A hospital management system is a web based system that manages the functioning of the hospital or medical set up1. It integrates all the information regarding patients, doctors, staff, hospital administrative details   and   so on. Doctors section include includes doctors’ emergency numbers and also they can check his schedule and that of other doctors too. Here it includes list of the available medicines for specific diseases so that the doctor can easily look for an alternative. The patient can be given an appointment referring to the doctors’ schedule. The use of HMS makes the co-ordination between a doctor and patient easy. The great benefit is that using HMS one can quickly check the availability of rooms/beds so that the receptionist can adjust transfer of patients from one ward to another or allot the bed to the new patient. This section also includes the detailed schedule of the operation theatres...

The Importance of Health and Health Care

Health can be improved not only through the consumption of health care services, but also through individual behaviour, lifestyle choices such as which include   quitting smoking, eating more nutritious foods, and getting more exercise. Health care has enhanced the health of our population; greater efficiency in the health care system. The demand for health care is unlike the demand for most consumer products and services . Its because while the desire for consumer products and services comes from direct consumption.   Desire for health care is not derived directly from the consumption of the medical procedures themselves and here it comes from the direct value of improved health that is produced by health care. Demand for an MP3 player is based on the enjoyment that an MP3 player brings to a consumer, but few would choose to get a laparoscopic cholecystectomy for the same reason which is considered as an example.. A consumer’s desire to have her gallbladder rem...

Health awareness

Health is the term for describing a person free from any kind of illness or diseases. Health is also term as the form that assures the harmony between all the systems, organs and parts of the body. It is not a complete definition of health, there are a number of people who are not suffering from a disease but still they are not healthy. The main objective of Health Awareness is to provide health related knowledge for preventing and curing disease. The definition of health posses many variance as it depends on every individual. Here for example some women like to show off their precious and expensive jewelry to other women who cannot afford it. There are some people who are completely irresponsible, they do not know their responsibility, and some men assume their wives as their servants. Health seems to be the tri-une of three main sections including physical health, mental health and emotional health. Physical health is a term that defines a form of the body that in...

Medical E commerce

The scope of E-commerce in a Medical sector include   adopting strategies accordingly to attract Customers by providing all Health and Hospital related products. E-commerce appears ready to assist the healthcare industry. Ecommerce refers to the use of electronic information technologies to conduct business transactions among buyers, sellers, and other trading partners. Here include the combination of business and electronic infrastructures, which allows traditional business transactions to be conducted electronically, ignoring the physical or geographic boundaries separating them.  E-commerce comprises business processes, technology, and collaboration among stakeholders and here in the healthcare field, e-commerce has the potential for laying the foundation for efficient and effective transactions between employers, payers, providers, patients etc at very low cost. There include two types of e-commerce infrastructures Web-based and EDI (electronic data interchange)....

The complete commerce medical website

Health care website   cure 60 is an organization for the people, institution and resources that deliver health care services to meet the health needs of target populations. Our team designed the website by providing all medical related service supported with high quality and at affordable cost. It will be a great benefit for the society and for the hospitals in various aspects like •           Symptom Checker •           Online Consultation With Doctors •           Free Online Appointments With Doctors •           International Medical Tourism •           Health Awareness •           Online Second Opinion •           Online Ambulance Service ...